”Group exhibition “Animal
Curator: Amir Zia

It is an Arabic word that refers to any kind of soul and includes human beings. In the Persian language, any animate living being, whether human or non-human, is called an animal. Both of its definitions express the role of being a noun for a word. The word “animal” sometimes takes the role of an adjective. With meanings such as a living being with little understanding, cursing and profanity, and sometimes being savage. In the Turkish language, in addition to the above meanings in the role of an adjective, the word also inspires the meaning of a weak and defenseless being. The present exhibition is the result of the artists’ view and approach to the subject and the word animal with its different meanings and interpretations. Whether it is based on being a noun or an adjective, a mythological and symbolic view of the subject is inevitably formed in order to interpret it differently and differently from its attribute in the works of artists.


Babak Amjad / Yousef Shajari Aghdam / Kaveh Kavousian / Mohammad Rasoul Kharrazipour / Vali Javadi Azar / Hamed Shahir / Razi Razavi / Gelar Manouchehri / Savalan Jamaati / Behzad Ahmadi / Aysan Faeghi / Sara Tehraninia / Mina Abedini / Tezhao Eskandari / Meysam Shalviri